An Autonomous Institution under VTU from 2024-25
AICTE Approved, Accredited by NBA(CSE,ISE,ECE,ME,CV,AE) NAAC with A+ grade, QS I-Gauge Gold rated
P.B. No. 20, B.B. Road,
Chickballapur- 562101, Karnataka.
Preparing Competent Aeronautical Engineers To Serve the Society
M1: Strengthening the Fundamental concepts in Aeronautical Engineering.
M2: Building Analytical ability among students with innovative problem-solving techniques.
M3: Training students in multidisciplinary research areas in collaboration with Industries embedding the culture of continuous learning.
M4: Imparting skillset in line with emerging industrial needs with leadership qualities
M5: Making students responsible citizens to serve society with ethics and values.
PEO1: Engage in designing, manufacturing, testing, operating and maintaining of systems in Aeronautical and Allied Industries.
PEO2: Identify, plan and lead the projects in challenging industrial environment independently and become successful professionals in their career.
PEO3: Pursue higher studies enhancing their Academic & research capabilities as to adopt to the ever-changing Technologies.
PSO1: Apply the fundamental knowledge of Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Structures and flight controls to solve core contemporary problems
PSO2: Demonstrate and solve multidisciplinary problems to build risk taking abilities & decision-making capabilities in Aeronautical field
Aeronautical Engineering is one of the fascinating areas in Engineering across the globe. The Aerospace & Defense technology enhances the nation’s technology target and achieves global recognition. The Department of Aeronautical Engineering was established in the Year 2014 with an intake of 60 students for undergraduate program. The program is designed for deep demonstration of knowledge that leads to superior impending and progression, enabling our students to get better opportunities in India and abroad through industry-based project experience and various interfacing abilities.
The Department has modern infrastructure with hi-tech laboratories and access to a wide range of industry-standard experimental facilities such as Low Speed Sub Sonic Wind Tunnel, well equipped Aircraft Propulsion, Structures, Energy Conversion, Fluid Mechanics, Measurement & Metrology and Material Testing Lab, Computer Labs with ANSYS, CATIA, SOLIDEDGE and MATLAB software which have been extensively used for research and consultancy for various sectors.
The prestigious department is focusing to fill the gap between academic and industrial needs by organizing guest lectures, seminars and workshops on current technology by inviting eminent persons from premier aeronautical industries and institutes. The specializations include areas like structural design, navigational guidance and control systems, instrumentation and communication or it can be in a particular product such as military aircraft, passenger planes, helicopters, satellites, rockets, etc. Our graduates work in areas like research, design, development and maintenance as well as in the managerial and teaching positions in academic institutes.