Aerospace materials are materials, frequently metal alloys that have either been developed for, or have come to prominence through their use for aerospace purposes.
About the resource person : Dr.Kishora Shetty is currently the engineering lead in manufacturing technology at Boeing India and as previously worked at Rolls Royce,Airbus and DRDO.He had completed his B.Tech from NITK(1998 batch Metallurgy) and since has worked in the industry for almost 22 years.
- The goal ofthis webinar is to educate, demonstrate, instruct and deliver information that is of interest to students.
- The main purpose of conducting this webinar is to help the students/participants enhance their knowledge and update their skills by inputting the latest techniques and methods related to their respective fields.
The above objectives of the webinar took shape during college technical activity on reimagining the aerospace materials and their advancements for this 21stcentury. This webinar was conducted on 04/06/2022(Saturday) at 11:00 am to 12:30pm with more than 65 participants. Resource person of this webinar was Dr.KishoraShetty, program chair person was Dr.G.T.Raju, Organising Chair Person was Sri.Suresha.J and convener was Dr.Deepa.M.S, Professor and Head, Department of AeronauticalEngineering, SJCIT
This program allows students to analyse and experience the importance and role of aerospace materials and their advancements. The speaker briefed about the various types of materials used in Aircraft Industry and the advancements in the 21st century.
The resource person gave a detailed information of the advanced materials such as composites, smart materials etc., which are used in Boeing Industry and their application in various components of the Aircraft.
The webinar ended with thwe Vote of Thanks by Prof.Vidyashree K R, Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, SJCIT