A Hydro-Rocket is a type of model Rocket using water as its working mass. The water is forced out by a pressurized gas, typically compressed air. Like all Rocket engines, it operates on the principle of Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion.
- To demonstrate the students how ejecting a stream of water from a Rocket’s exhaust nozzle causes to accelerate in the opposite direction.
- During the completion of this activity you will demonstrate Science processing skills, and ability to use technological design, an ability to identify factors that effect motion of forces.
- By conducting this activity in collages, student’s project team has actively been engaged in activities aiming to promote interests in science and technology in local regions.
The above objectives of the club took shape during the collage technical activity on Hydro Rocket. This event was conducted on 28/05/2022(Saturday) at 2.00 pm with 11 teams of 2 students each. The judgesof this event were Prof. Dr. Deepa M.S. (HOD of Aeronautical Department), Prof. Rohith L.G and Prof.Vidya Shree K.R. Among the 11 teams, 2 teams were declared as winners:
- 1st place – Vishwanath and Srinivas -VI semester.
- 2ndplace-Manjunath and Muzamil Pasha-VI semester.
This programme allows students to analyze and experience the importance and role of thrust and other forces operating on an Aircraft in a hands-on- settings.